My time table theory time 2 to 3 hours morning mcqs time 2 to 2 hours evening coffeedent late night.
Books I have followed.
BRS Physio.
BRS patho (for general Pathology)
USMLE 1st aid.
Snell review anatomy.
Embryo notes
Kaplam neuro anatomy
Nbde part 1
BCQ books:
Coffeedent website.
Rabia ali.
Jahangir’s Pool of MCQs
Asim n shoaib
Vijay partab (for dental materials only)
Dentogist basic
1st week Timetable:
Physiology Cell and cv
Mon-tue = Cell
Wed-Sat = CVS
Monday. Topics:
Cell Membrane, Transport, Osmosis, Diffusion Potential.
Books to be followed:
BRS & Rabia Ali
Tuesday Topics:
Neuromuscular & Synaptic, Skeletal Muscle, Smooth Muscle, Comparison.
Books to be followed:
BRS & Rabia Ali
Hemodynamics, Cardiac Electrophysiology.
Books to be followed:
BRS & Rabia Ali
Thursday Topics:
Cardiac Muscle and Cardiac Output, Cardiac Cycle, Regulation of Arterial Pressure.
Books to be followed:
BRS & Rabia Ali
Friday Topics:
Microcirculation and lymph, Special Circulation, Integrative system of CVS.
Books to be followed:
BRS & Rabia Ali
CVS complete from USMLE.
Coffeedent physiology cell and CVS.
2nd week Timetable:
Unit covering this week. Blood Neurophysiology Respiratory
Blood complete
Books to be followed:
USMLE And Rabia Ali.
Neurophysiology Page 32 starting se page 45 tk audition complete
Books to be followed:
BRS and Rabia
Neurophysiology Page 45 Vestibular system se end tk
Books to be followed:
BRS and Rabia
Respiratory Physiology Starting page 115 se page 125 pora.
Books to be followed:
BRS and Rabia
Respiratory Physiology Page 126 Oxygen Transport se end tk pora.
Books to be followed:
BRS and Rabia
Respiratory Physiology from USMLE
coffeedent all week topics.
3rd week timetable.
Unit covering >Renal (Mon Tue Wed) >GIT (Thu Fri)
Renal Starting page no 147 body fluids to page 158 weak bases complete.
Books to be Followed:
BRS and Rabia Ali
Renal From 158 NaCl Regulation to page 172 Renal Hormones complete.
Books to be Followed:
BRS and Rabia Ali
Renal From page 172 Acid Base balance to 183 diarrhea complete.
Books to be Followed:
BRS and Rabia Ali
GIT From starting to page no 206 complete.
Books to be Followed:
BRS and Rabia Ali
GIT From page no 207 (Gastric Secretion) to page no 220 till the end of unit.
Books to be Followed:
BRS and Rabia Ali
G.I.T and Renal revision from USMLE.
Coffeedent cover all weekly topics from coffeedent
4th week timetable:
Unit covering >Endocrinology from physio. (Mon Tue Wed) >Cell Injury, Inflammation, and Neoplasia from Pathology(Thu Fri Sat) Pathology will ve cover from BRS patho, USMLE and mcqs from Rabia ali.
Endocrinology Starting page no 227 to page no 238 action of oxytocin complete
Books to be Followed:
BRS and Rabia Ali
Endocrinology From 238 thyroid gland to page 251 somatostatin complete.
Books to be Followed:
BRS and Rabia Ali
Endocrinology From page 251 Calcium metabolism to end lactation complete.
Books to be Followed:
BRS and Rabia Ali
Cell Injury Pathology Complete unit
Books to be Followed:
BRS and Rabia Ali
Inflammation Complete unit.
Books to be Followed:
BRS and Rabia Ali
Neoplasia Complete unit
Books to be Followed:
BRS and Rabia Ali
1- Physiology of ENDOCRINOLOGY from USMLE and mcqs from Coffeedent
2- Pathology of Cell Injury Inflammation and Neoplasia from USMLE n mcqs from Coffeedent.
5th week timetable:
Unit covering >Hemodynamics dysfunction >Anemia >Blood Pathology >Genetics Disorders. >Immunology. >Endocrine Pathology.
Hemodynamic Dysfunction
Books to be Followed:
BRS and Rabia Ali
Books to be Followed:
BRS and Rabia Ali
Blood Pathology
Books to be Followed:
USMLE and Rabia Ali
Genetics Disorders
Books to be Followed:
BRS and Rabia Ali
Immune Dysfunction
Books to be Followed:
BRS and Rabia Ali
Endocrine Pathology
Books to be Followed:
USMLE and Rabia Ali
Coffeedent for all relevent topics.
6th week timetable:
Topics covered Microbiology (mon to Thursday) biochemistry (fri to Sunday)
MicroBiology Basic and Clinical Bacteriology
Books to be Followed:
USMLE and Rabia Ali
Mycology and Parasitology
Books to be Followed:
USMLE and Rabia Ali
Books to be Followed:
USMLE and Rabia Ali
Cover micro from Coffeedent.
Biochemistry section of USMLE 2018 Pages 34,35,39,44,45, 46 to 55.
Books to be Followed:
USMLE and Rabia Ali
Pages from 57 to 63 and 65 to 71
Books to be Followed:
USMLE and Rabia Ali
Page 72, 84, 87, 88 to 91 and 94
Books to be Followed:
USMLE and Rabia Ali. Cover biochem completely from Coffeedent.
7th week timetable:
Pharma will be covered.
 Pharma Section of Usmle Page no 228 to 232 and 243 to 247
Books to be Followed:
USMLE and Rabia Ali daily cover Coffeedent pharma of relevent topic.
Autonomic Drugs page 233 to 242
Books to be Followed:
USMLE(2018) and Rabia Ali daily cover Coffeedent pharma of relevent topic.
Antimicrobial Drugs Page no 187 to 195
Books to be Followed:
USMLE(2018) and Rabia Ali. daily cover Coffeedent pharma of relevent topic.
Page 196 to 204 Of antimicrobial.
Books to be Followed:
USMLE (2018) and Rabia Ali daily cover Coffeedent pharma of relevent topic.
Endocrinology Pharma complete, mucoskeletal and Connective Tissue Pharma Complete Neurology and Special senses(Barbiturates, benzodiazipines, Anesthetics, Opoid Analgesics) Haematology (heparin and warfarin only)
Books to be Followed:
USMLE and Rabia Ali. daily cover Coffeedent pharma of relevent topic.
>CVS(antianginal, anti hypertensive, anti arrhythmic), >Renal (Loop Diuretics, Thiazide Diuretics and Potassium Spring Diuretics) >Psychiatry(Typical and atypical anti psychotic, SSRI, SNRI, MAO INHIBITORS, TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANTS)
Books to be Followed:
USMLE and Rabia Ali. daily cover Coffeedent pharma of relevent topic.
Cover complete pharma n general medicine from Coffeedent.
8th week timetable:
Subject Neuroanatomy.
NEUROANATOMY Chapter1 full, i.e Nervous System Organisation and Development
Books to be Followed:
KAPLAN ANATOMY 2018 and Rabia Ali Coffeedent mcqs
Neuroanatomy Chapter4 i.e The Spinal Cord(from starting upto page 286 table III-4-2)
Books to be Followed:
KAPLAN ANATOMY 2018 and Rabia Ali Coffeedent mcqs
NEUROANATOMY Chapter4 page 287 Sensory System till end of the chap
Books to be Followed:
Kaplan anatomy 2018 and Rabia Ali. Coffeedent mcqs
Neuroanatomy Chapter5 i.e Brain Stem(from starting to 312 end of Pons)
Books to be Followed:
Kaplan Anatomy 2018 and Rabia Ali. Coffeedent mcqs
Neuroanatomy Chap5 Brain Stem from 313 Mid brain till Congrol of Horizontal Gaze Complete 327
Books to be Followed:
Kaplan Anatomy 2018 and Rabia Ali Coffeedent mcqs
Neuroanatomy Chap5 Brain Stem page 328 Blood supply to Brain stem till end of chap
Books to be Followed:
KAPLAN ANATOMY 2018 and Rabia Ali coffeedent mcqs.
Coffeedent anatomy portion complete.
9th week timetable:
Unit covering Dental Materials.
chap 2,6 7,8,
Books to be Followed:
McCabe and Rabia Ali coffeedent mcqs
Chap 11,12,13,14
Books to be Followed:
McCabe and Dentogist coffeedent mcqs
Chap 16,17,18,19
Books to be Followed:
McCabe and Dentogist coffeedent mcqs
chap 21, 22
Books to be Followed:
McCabe and VijayPartab coffeedent mcqs
chap 23, 24,25
Books to be Followed:
McCabe and Vijay Partab coffeedent mcqs
Chap 26,27,28,29
Books to be Followed:
McCabe and Vijay Partab coffeedent mcqs
cover complete dental material from coffeedent.
10th week timetable:
Unit covering >Oral Pathology. >Oral Biology and Tooth Morpho. >General Histology. >Embryology.
Monday :
Oral Pathology(only mcqs) Dentogist 7th edition, cofeedent mcqs.
Oral Pathology(Only Mcqs) Rabia Ali and J.K coffeedent mcqs
Oral Biology and Tooth Morpho(Mcqs) Dentogist 7th, Rabia Ali and J.K coffeedent mcqs
Oral Embryology and Histology(mcqs only) Dentogist 7th Edition, Rabia Ali coffeedent mcqs.
General Histology theory either from NBDE FIRST AID OR RANDOM points from coffeedent. Mcqs from Rabia Ali and coffeedent.
theory from NBDE FIRST aid, Developmental Biology topics general embryo, development of face arches and pouches Mcqs from Rabia Ali and coffeedent
embryology Mcqs from Rabia Ali n coffeedent.
Oral patho oral bio and tooth morpho k just mcqs enough hen.
11th week timetable:
Unit covering >Head n Neck Anatomy >Thorax Anatomy.
Chap no 6 Head N neck page no 201 to page no 213 End of Posterior Triangles
Books to Be Followed:
Snell review 13th Edition and Rabia Ali mcqs from coffeedent.
Page 213 (Muscles of The Scalp and Neck) to page 223 (end of deep cervicle lymph node)
Books to Be Followed:
Snell review 13th Edition and Rabia Ali coffeedent mcqs
Page no 224 (Cranial Nerves) to 235 (End of Parasympathetic part)
Books to Be Followed:
Snell review 13th Edition and Rabia Ali coffeedent mcqs
Page no 235 (Digestive System in the head n neck) to 250 (end of trachea)
Books to Be Followed:
Snell review 13th Edition and Rabia Ali coffeedent mcqs
250 (Endocrine gland in the head n neck) till end of chapter
Books to Be Followed:
Snell review 13th Edition and Rabia Ali coffeedent mcqs
Chap 1 Thorax from. Page 1 to page 14 end of Forced Expiration
Books to Be Followed:
Snell review 13th Edition and Rabia Ali coffeedent mcqs
chap 1 page 14 Pericardium to the end of chapter Books to Be Followed Snell review 13th Edition and Rabia Ali coffeedent mcqs
Alhamdulillah we have completed the first Read of Theory Along with Coffeedent, Rabia Ali, Dentogist, Vijay Partab,
Now straight 15 days for mcqs revision from rabia Ali and asim n shoaib
Morning mn Asim n Shoaib Evening mn rabia (2nd revision of Rabia)
- 1st day Asim n Shaoib Anatomy Section complete. Rabia Ali Physio. Cell, nerve n muscle, renal.
- 2nd day AnS. Dentistry Section Qno 1 to Qno 200. Rabia ali, physio, Blood, CVS, Neurophysiology.
- 3rd day AnS Dentistry section Qno 201 to 400 Rabia Ali, physio, Endocrinology, Reproduction, GIT.
- 4th day AnS. Dentistry Qno 401 to 600 Rabia Ali, physio Respiration, Patho Cell injury, inflammation and tissue n wound repair.
- 5th day AnS Dentistry Qno 601 to end of Dentistry Section. Rabia ali Patho Hemodynamics, immune, genetics.
- 6th day AnS Pathology section Qno 1 to 200. Rabia Ali Patho, Neoplasia, Neuro and Endocrinology.
- 7th day AnS Pathology Qno 201 to end of Pathology section Rabia micro complete.
- 8th day AnS Pharma section full. Rabia pharma complete.
- 9th day AnS Physio section till end of AnS book Rabia Ali Biochem compete.
- 10th day Morning start Asim. N shaoib 2nd read follow same pattern. Start with anatomy. Rabia ali all dental section.
- 11th day AnS. Dentistry Section complete. Rabia Ali, Anatomy Head n neck and Histo.
- 12th day Pathology section complete. Rabia Ali, Anatomy neuro and embryology.
- 13th day AnS Pharma section full. Dentogist 7th, Oral bio, tooth morpho and Oral patho.
- 14th day AnS Physio section till end of AnS book Evening remaining n cover up of Rabia
From 15 to 20:
Take 6 days to cover up all remainings of this whole schedule
After that start coffeedent do all the bcqs each n every subject n chapter wise revise bcqs again n again n again untill you secure 95+ %age
Remember Anatomy(neuro histo neck and osteology of head), Pharma, Biochemistry, Dental Metrails and Micro should be on your finger tips.ye saary subjects rabia ali se b bar bar revise kro and coffeedent k tmama subjects k mock tests bar bar kro last 3 days mn just do past papers of 2019
Dua mn yad rkhen
Dr Khubaib Ahmed shaikh
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