Books to be followed for part 1 exam:
1) Anatomy
Head & neck: Snell review
Thorax: Snell review
Neuroanatomy: USMLE first aid + Kaplan(for scenario based Qs)
General anatomy: NBDE first aid
Histology: NBDE first aid
Embryology: NBDE first aid + USMLE first aid
Upper limb: Snell review(for brachial plexus +Â nerves/muscles + involved lesions)
Lower limb + abdomen: Snell review for whatever you need to see(if required)
2) Physiology
BRS physiology + USMLE first aid
3) Pathology
General pathology: BRS pathology/USMLE first aid
Microbiology: USMLE first aid
Special patho: USMLE first aid/BRS
Blood(both physio & patho): USMLE first aid
4) Pharmacology
Katzung(for classifications) + USMLE first aid
5) Oral pathology
Contemporary(for classifications or anything else – if required)
6) Dental materials
McCabe(if required to see anything)
7) Oral biology/histology
Tencate’s(if required to see anything)
8) Tooth morphology
Fuller(if required to see anything)
9) General medicine
For hepatitis(both for general medicine and microbiology): Tanveer notes + USMLE first aid
10) Biochemistry
USMLE first aid(if required to see anything)
11) Research and biostatistics
No need to do theory
12) Behavioural sciences and medical ethics
No need to do theory
MCQs books for part 1 exam:
1) Coffeedent Online Course for FCPS Part 1
2) Asim and shoaib Dentistry
3) Rabia ali
5 months plan for preparation of FCPS part 1 exam:
73 days for theory and MCQs
1) Anatomy
Head and neck: 5 days
Neuroanatomy: 4 days
Embryology: 3 days
General histology: 2 days
General anatomy: 1 day
Thorax + upper limb: 3 days
Abdomen + lower limb will be covered while doing MCQs of Coffeedent
In these days do theory + MCQs of Rabia ali
2) Physiology
Cell: 2 days
Neuro: 3days
CVS: 3 days
Respiration: 3 days
Renal: 3 days
GI: 3 days
Endo: 3 days
Do theory + MCQs of Rabia ali in these days
3) Pathology
General pathology
Cellular reaction, inflammation, hemodynamic dysfunction: 5 days
Genetic disorder, immune dysfunction, neoplasia, environmental pathology, nutrition: 7 days
Special pathology
Neuro, endo, reproduction, bone, skin: 3 days
CVS, GI, respiration, renal: 4 days
Blood(both physio and patho): 4 days
Microbiology: 4 days
In these days do theory + MCQs from Rabia ali.
For special pathology see theory(if required), otherwise you can only do MCQs from rabia ali in these days.
4) Pharmacology
5 days
Do theory + MCQs of Rabia ali in these days.
5) Biochemistry
3 days
In these days see theory(if required), otherwise you can only do MCQs from Rabia ali and Coffeedent in these days.
So this makes 73 days in total. Now you are left with Oral pathology/oral medicine, dental material, oral histology, tooth morphology(if theory is required to be done) and (you are left with these MCQs from Rabia ali only now).
You have 77 more days.
1) Anatomy
Neuroanatomy: 3 days
Head and neck: 2 days
Thorax/abdomen: 1 day
General anatomy/histology: 1 day
Embryology: 1 day
Do MCQs of Coffeedent(you have already done theory of anatomy)
In MCQs of Anatomy there are MCQs from Oral biology/Oral histology too, if you need to see anything from theory you can see because you haven’t done it while doing theory and MCQs of Rabia ali. So you can see theory(if required).
Do Rabia ali’s MCQs of Oral histology too.
2) Physiology
3 days
Do MCQs of Coffeedent(you have already done theory of physiology)
3) Pathology along with microbiology
4 days
Do MCQs of Coffeedent(you have already done theory)
4) Pharmacology
5 days
Do MCQs of Coffeedent(you have already done theory)
5) Oral pathology
3 days
See theory(if required)
Do MCQs of Cofeedent and Rabia ali.
Also do Radiology and Sterilization from Coffeedent along with Oral pathology.
6) Dental materials
4 days
See theory(if required), you haven’t done Dental materials before.
Do MCQs of Coffeedent and Rabia ali.
7) Dental(tooth morpho)
2 days
See theory(if required).
Do MCQs of Coffeedent and Rabia ali.
8) General medicine
2 days
See theory(if required), you have seen hepatitis while doing Microbiology.
Do MCQs of Coffeedent.
9) Biochemistry
2 days
Do MCQs of Coffeedent.
Now this makes 33 days.
Make sure to do 52 MCQs of Asim and Shoaib daily in these 33 days.
Research & Biostatistics, Behavioral Sciences and Medical Ethics will be covered while doing MCQs of Coffeedent and Asim and Shoaib. No need to do Theory.Â
Now you are left with 44 days and that are very very important for revisions.
Give 9 days to Asim and Shoaib again
1) Anatomy: 1 day
2) Pharmacology + mix MCQs: 1 day
3) Physiology + Biochemistry: 1 day
4) Pathology: 2 days
5) Dentistry: 4 days
In these 9 days revise Coffeedent’s MCQs of Anatomy too on daily basis.
Give 28 days again to MCQs of Coffeedent along with Rabia ali.
1) Anatomy (Rabia ali only, because you have revised Coffeedent’s MCQs of Anatomy along with Asim and shoaib)
Head and neck: 1 day
Neuroanatomy: 1 day
Histology + Embryology: 1 day
General anatomy + Thorax: 1 day
2) Physiology (both Coffeedent and Rabia ali)
6 days
3) Pathology + Microbiology
General pathology(both Coffeedent and Rabia ali):
3 days + also do MCQs of Radiology and Sterilization from Coffeedent along with General pathology
Special pathology(both Coffeedent and Rabia ali):
3 days
2 days
4) Pharmacology (both Coffeedent and Rabia ali)
4 days
5) Oral pathology/oral medicine (both Coffeedent and Rabia ali)
1 day
6) Dental materials (both Coffeedent and Rabia ali)
2 days
7) Oral biology/oral histology/tooth morphology (dental)(both Coffeedent and Rabia ali)
1 day
Remember that you have done revision of Oral biology’s/oral histology’s MCQs from Coffeedent along with Anatomy.
8) General medicine (from Coffeedent)
1 day
9) Biochemistry (both Coffeedent and Rabia ali)
1 day
Remember that you can see theory while doing MCQs if you have any confusion(there is no compulsion to not to see theory again because of that you have already done it), always see whatever is confusing you.
And also remember that you can change schedule according to you too, whatever suits you.
And sequence for subjects is also your choice, start with the subject which suits you. That is totally upto you.
Now you are left with last 7 days only and they are the most most most important ones. Don’t get panic, you can give best if your brain is relax.
In these 7 days do Coffeedent again especially the important ones and the ones which you think you are not good at, Coffeedent is very very important for exam. Exam would also be online, so Coffeedent helps a lot.
And do past papers of Coffeedent as much times as you could(you have done them before too because those MCQs have been added in Subjects wise MCQs too and separately in past papers too. But do them again and again in these last 7 days.
Revise Asim and shoaib onve again too bevayse tht is also very important.
For Rabia ali revise the ones which you you think you are not good at and the important ones.
Most importantly revise those tables which are important for exam and you think that you would have forgotten them now.
You have done your best, now leave rest on Allah. Allah would do best now.
Don’t be panic, just relax now especially keep you mind fresh on exam day. If mind is relax it would work properly and more efficiently.
Good luck!
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