FCPS PART-1 (Feb 2020 Attempt)
I was done with my house job in Dec 2019 and I only had 2.5 months to prepare for my part 1 exam. Alhumdulilah, I am here today to share my experience as how I cleared my part 1 exam in the first go. I would like to share what were my approaches to prepare for my exam that are as follows:
-Initially I used to give 8-10 hours daily but as the time was coming near (less than a month) I used to give 13-15 hours daily.
-Of course, no one has tendency to study for 13-15 hours straight so I used to take mini breaks.
Theory Books:
USMLE First Aid
BRS Physiology
BRS pathology
Snell’s Review
Kaplan Neuroanatomy
High Yield Embryology
Mcq Books:
Rabia Ali (3 times)
Asim and Shoaib (3 times)
Coffeedent (3 times)
Vijay Partap (2 times Dental materials only)
Schedule 1 (1 Dec 2019-7 Jan 2020)
. Pathology (1-11 Dec 2019)
Brs pathology (Chap 1-8 plus Anemia)
USMLE (Special pathology of CVS, Endocrine, Git, Hematology, Neuro)
 Rabia Ali Mcqs of pathology
. Microbiology & Immunology (12-17 Dec 2019)
Rabia Ali Mcqs
. Pharmacology (18-23 Dec 2019)
 Rabia Ali Mcqs
. Neuroanatomy (24-26 Dec 2019)
 Rabia Ali Mcqs
. Histology and General Anatomy (27 Dec 2019)
 Rabia Ali Mcqs
. Embryology (28 Dec 2019)
 High yield Embryo (1-4-week, Germinal layer derivatives, pharyngeal arches and pouches   derivatives, head and neck development)
 Rabia Ali Mcqs
. Gross Anatomy (29-31 Dec 2019)
Snell’s Review (Head and neck, Brachial and cervical plexus, Vertebrae, Lung Lobes, Heart  Diaphragm, Mediastinum)
Rabia Ali Mcqs
. Physiology (1-7 Jan 2020)
Brs physiology
Rabia Ali Mcqs
. Remaining 48 Days …Mcqs, Mcqs and Mcqs (I made my time table and divided days subject wise)
. Dental Materials, Biochemistry, Oral Anatomy, Oral histology, Tooth morphology, Oral pathology (Covered from Mcqs books)
Mcqs Schedule:
. Gross & General Anatomy (8-10 Jan 2020)
2nd time Rabia Ali
1st time (Asim and Shoaib and coffeedent)
. Neuroanatomy (11-12 Jan 2020)
2nd time Rabia Ali
1st time coffeedent
. Embryology (13 Jan 2020)
2nd time Rabia Ali
1st time coffeedent
. Histology (14 Jan 2020)
2nd time Rabia Ali
1st time coffeedent
. Physiology (15 – 19 Jan 2020)
2nd time Rabia Ali
1st time (Asim and Shoaib and coffeedent)
. Biochemistry (20 Jan 2020)
1st time Rabia Ali
1st time (Asim and Shoaib and coffeedent)
. Microbiology (21 Jan 2020)
2nd time Rabia Ali
1st time coffeedent
. Pathology (22-24 Jan 2020)
2nd time Rabia Ali
1st time (Asim and Shoaib and coffeedent)
. Pharmacology (25-26 Jan 2020)
2nd time Rabia Ali
1st time (Asim and Shoaib and coffeedent)
. Oral Pathology (27-28 Jan 2020)
1st time Rabia Ali
1st time coffeedent
. Tooth Morphology/Oral Histology/Oral Anatomy (29-30 Jan 2020)
1st time Rabia Ali
1st time coffeedent
1st time Asim and Shoaib (Dentistry portion)
. Dental Materials (31 Jan-1 Feb 2020)
1st time Rabia Ali
1st time coffeedent
1st time Vijay Partap DM
2 Feb 2020
. General Medicine (1st time Coffeedent)
. CPSP Demo and Coffeedent Mock Test
.For the remaining 22 Days I kept on revising the same Mcqs and past paper.
. No matter how stressed, demotivated and exhausted I used to feel at times, I was persistent and sticked to my schedule.
. Nothing is complete without prayers so pray for yourself as well as for others.
Dr. Sabeen Masood
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