ALAHMDULILAH I CLEARED this attempt by smart study
i must guide you all to trust ALLAH & URSLF n later get guideline from a devoted selfless senior who can guide u anytime wth 100% confirm correct ans as my SENIOR made me go through all my hard times n i succeedd .. may ALLAH bless her ALWAYS AMEEN
I studied for 3months
I made my timetable n followed it to its fullest
I read all theory books just once for 1month aur mjhe know how hgae k cheezain hain kia , aur phir meine bcqs strt kiye
Started from RABIA , jo smjh na ae simply google it out or open books n sth sth bcqs karo rabia k jo bhi topic karo accordingly
2nd month:
Than i did ASIM, JK
(Ache s krne hain jbhi 2weeks k time dya)
Last 1 month left:
I did Rabia again, coffedent MOCKS ONLY , asim , jk n past papers from COFFEDENT
What i learneds n will suggest do wisely n make timetble , zayda nh parho par do upto ur timetble n YES u will succeeddd
PRAY alot n help others , help without cause , log jo bhi kahean jse b ho still hlp them InshaALLAH reward ALLAH dega uss help kaa
GoodLUCK , u all will succeedd the next INSHAALLAH
THAnks to all the groups members for thr warm kind ans n always being
& yes COFFEDENT kareann laxmann aur bcq books bhi kareann , COFFEDENT IS EQUALLY IMP AS REST ARE
COFFEDENT will buckup ur LEVEL n let u know how well u are at ur SCORE so do it for SURE
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