Syllabus of National Licensing Examination 2021 for Dental Graduates | NLE for Dental Students
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This PDF Contains 55 Pages so Kindly Read all These Pages in Order to Understand Complete Syllabus and Exam ⇓⇓⇓
Dental NLE 2021 syllabus - Final
NLE Contains MCQs Portion as well as Clinical Portion/Exam. MCQs Portion/Exam containing 200 MCQs in Following percentage:
Total MCQs: 200 # of MCQs
- Science of Dental Materials: 15
- Pharmacology including Dental Therapeutics: 10
- Community and Preventive Dentistry: 15
- General Surgery: 5
- General Medicine: 5
- Periodontology: 20
- Oral Medicine, Diagnosis, Radiology: 25
- Operative Dentistry including Paediatric Dentistry & Endodontics: 45
- Prosthodontics: 25
- Oral Surgery: 25
- Orthodontics: 10
Total MCQs 200
So to cover these Portion of NLE you can subscribe to following Course of Coffeedent which Contains MCQs of All Basic and Clinical Subjects. Link is Given Below:
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