I am Dr saad from army medical college, completed house job from AFID.
Alhumdulilah cleared my part one , it was never possible without the guidance and support of Sir Jay kay and sir sufiyan. I just did 1 and half month preparation and smart study. Here was my study plan and sequence.
1 week brs physio
2nd week brs pathology
1.5 week snell anatomy. Head and neck thorax brachial plexus cervical plexus
2 days embryo from high yield.
4 days neuro anatomy kaplan and from USmle i did pharma and micro and i put all theory books aside
Then i gave 15 20 days to mcqs, i did Coffedent that is the best thing u can get if u r a fcps aspirant. Asim and shoaib, jahangir khan 13th edition, and from rabia ali i only did head and neck, Pharma, biochem and micro . I first completed my theory and then practiced mcqs as much as i could.
If u r doing mcqs must do coffedent at night.and other mcqs book at day time. Practice as much as you can ,its the best app and can be retained And keep consulting Sir JK . kindly dont make any errata of coffedent or JK its 99.99 percent right. Dont be confused roaming around and asking everyone about errata and answers. Just follow one person and believe on your 6th sense.
Those who didnot clear inshaAllah u will clear in next attempt. Dont skip any attempt as already Cpsp has changed the pool of mcqs and there are very less repeat questions from past papers. Only 20 percent questions are repeated from past papers and they are also molded to confuse you.
1.5 to 2 months are enough for preparation, i dont believe on things like 6 months or one year preparation. But in 2 months u have to be on your best and practice as much as mcqs from coffedent , i did it along with clinic, and i think its possible, there is nothing such as preparing all day if u have a sharp memory and confidence on yourself and trust on ALLAH. I again repeat do follow coffedent and JK 13 edition , its the key to success.
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