MDS part 1 Exam Study material:
Paper A : comprised of 100 mcqs from all basic subjects
Anatomy : general from Snell review and neuro anatomy from Kaplan ( few chapters )
Physio : BRS
General pathology : BRS Embryo: only do a table from Langman or any other book that contain pharyngeal apparatus ( contents of arches pouches and cleft )
Pharmacology : Do 980 mcqs from Rabia Ali book at the end ( telly it with USMLE pharma portion GA and LA drugs are important ) that’s enough Biochemistry and Histopathology: only MCQs
Paper B: 85-90% MCQs from all clinical subjects and the remaining 10-15% MCQs from research Focus on Prostho, OMFS, Perio, and Oral pathology more than the rest Do Research portion from subject Community dentistry notes or books ( esp sampling and testing in research ) The research portion is the game changer because you can solve all MCQs they are of the same level but this subject gives you the edge to take a good score
MCQs books:
- Coffee dent ( very helpful )
- Must to do Rafiullah 582 golden points ( safe dose )
- Asim and Shaoib ( compulsory )
- Dentogist Clinical (esp MCQs with explanation will revise the final year as a whole )
Note: Read theory first and make your concepts and then solve MCQs ….. Pray and hard work are directly proportional, they depend upon each other. Hard work without Dua (pray)is a delay and Dua without hard work is an illusion. Stay focused and remember that He is the Almighty the Exalted He loves you and takes care of you 70 times more than your mother. Believe in what good comes to you and show patience with what bad crosses your way Stay blessed.
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