Alhamdulilah ,I cleared my exam in the first attempt.
The only purpose of this document is to guide you about the FCPS Part 1 Exam Approach. Everyone has his own way of doing things, many of you might not agree with this approach which is a normal thing. Will try to cover the subject topic in different parts.
- These are the few things which were told to me by my seniors and helped me a lot in the cause.
- Stay as basic as you can. Make the process as simple as possible
- Make a plan and then try to stick to it.
- This preparation is a real test of nerves. You will feel very low and exhausted again and again, just keep your nerves cool and keep on working according to the plan.
- The daily working time should increase on weekly basis. (Minimum 8 Hrs to Max)
- For Dental Surgeons this exam is a way too tough because it includes many things which we don’t study, so to catch up this just do as much BCQs as Possible. Your MCQs bank should cover maximum subjects.
- The most important thing is MAKE A GROUP, as Pack never fails. Try to find some colleagues who are serious about passing the exam. Use that group smartly.
- There is no certain pattern for this exam, many times important topics are ignored. So, every subject is important.
- Whenever feel extra exhausted, take a break. Set rewards for yourself.
- Never Quit because once you Quit it becomes a habit.
- There are many errats in the groups. Only Consider errats of Durr e Nayyab for Rabia Ali , Syeda Zainab’s for JK and Asim and Shoaib.
- Last but not the least, there will be many questions, which will be un understandable for you. Don’t waste time on those. Try to ratify them.
[Anatomy] 8 Days
Gross Anatomy
1) Head and Neck from Snell Review
2)Thorax, limited portion (Diaphragm, Heart, Mediastinum & Lobes of Lung from Snell Review
3)Brachial Plexus and Cervical Plexus from Handy Points of Rabia Ali.
Rabia Ali MCQS, Asim and Shoaib MCQs Coffeedent MCQS
Kaplan Neurosciences and Lecture Videos.
Snell Review
Rabia Ali MCQS, Coffeedent MCQS
All Embryological Development, Placenta, Birth Defects & Development of Head and Neck from Sharjeel.
Rabia Ali MCQS, Coffeedent MCQS
Histology and General Anatomy
Only MCQS from Rabia Ali and Coffeedent
[Physiology] 5 Days
BRS Physio Complete
BLOOD Physiology from USMLE
Review of ENDO Physiology from USMLE
Rabia Ali MCQS, Asim and Shoaib MCQs Coffeedent MCQS
[Pathology] 8 Days
First 8 Chapters from BRS Pathology
Spec Path MCQS from Rabia Ali
Rabia Ali MCQS, Asim and Shoaib MCQs Coffeedent MCQS
[Dental Materials] 1 Day
Only MCQS from Vijay Partap and Coffeedent MCQs
[Pharmacology] 1 Day
Only MCQS from Rabia Ali Asim and Shoaib & Coffeedent MCQs
[Microbiology] 1 Day
USMLE & MCQS from Rabia Ali and Coffeedent MCQs
[Oral Pathology] 1 Day
Dentogist MCQs with Explanations and Coffeedent MCQs
[Oral Anatomy, Morpho and Histology] 1/2 Day
Dentogist MCQs and Coffeedent MCQs
[Biochemistry] 1/2 Day
USMLE (Vitamins Most Imp) & MCQS from Rabia Ali Asim & Shoaib and Coffeedent MCQs
*remaining portion of Coffeedent 3 days.
Total 30 days
(^this is the first division of syllabus for 90 days attempt.)
Next 30 Days do the MCQs portion only with Proper concentration and seek guidance from Theory books whenever required.
Next 20 Days another revision of MCQs with minimum consultation with books.
Final 10 Days Past papers of last two years (Multiple times), Asim and Shoaib (Dentistry Portion) Multiple times & Mock exams of Coffeedent Multiple times.
[Recommended Books]
BRS Physiology
BRS Pathology
Snell’s Review
USMLE First Aid
Kaplan Neurosciences
Vijay Partap
Tanveer Notes (Initial Portion Before the Sessions start and Last Session)
Coffeedent * 3 times
Rabia Ali * 3 times
Asim and Shoaib * 3 times
JK (for last two years MCQs) * 3 times.
Now the most important of all.
“This exam is very much dependent on prayers. Do as much good deeds as possible”
Best of luck for your exams.
He is the best maxillofacial surgeon i have ever seen. I had TMJ problem for last 10 years. I got treatment from many surgeons but after arthrocentesis by sir ammar i felt a magical change . Before this i was just living a terrible life but now i feel i got a new life.
wat is the requirement of fcps part1bds.
do we have to do residency?
Residency is done after clearing FCPS Part 1 Exam.
Requirement for fcps part 1 is your BDS qualification, house job certificates and PMDC Licence.
Thank you so much , this is helpful specially your last note. Just that I know I will not be able to make a group . I have to find motivation to study within me .
Best of Luck.
Can you guide me in detail , I have no one to guide me with fcps part 1 preparation. I want to do oral maxillofacial surgery. And I want to appear in may or August exam. Can you thoroughly guide me how to prepare with respect to present …
Can you guide me in detail , I have no one to guide me with fcps part 1 preparation. I want to do oral maxillofacial surgery. And I want to appear in may or August exam. Can you thoroughly guide me how to prepare with respect to present …and I want to write both jcat mds exam and fcps exam…. Can you thoroughly tell me how to start prep for both exam. Please I have no one to guide me at all.
Are rafiullah notes good for the preparation?
Yes its good for preparation.
Plz guide for part1 preparation I can’t even understand from where to start. In which months first attempt will be taken?