How to clear MDS Entrance Exam in PIMS Islamabad by Dr Amjad Khan

Hello everyone.
I have cleared both fcps part 1 and MDS part 1 ( nov attempt) at PIMS Islamabad on ist attempt, and i want to share my experience regarding both exams with you peoples.

✔I started my preparation for fcps very early in my hj days, and my advise to those who are doing their house job and want to appear in fcps in future inshallah, start your preparation from today, study 1 or 2 hrs a day..but don’t waste your time..
After finishing hj in September 2020, i boosted up my preps and studied 11 to 12 hrs a day. ( note: ketny time k lye parhna hy ye ap k stamina pr depend krta hy dont follow someone else routine make your own)
✔Applying for mds part 1 was actually not planned, i saw pims notification on fb and applied blindly with out knowing the pattern of the exam.. i applied coz fcps is unpredictable and i didn’t wanted to waste my time appearing again and again..(with due respect)
✔One thing i must share here. Both exam were completely different from each other, tbh both were tough and difficult, fcps usually repeat hota hy past papers sy but mds was tricky and conceptual.but agr apky concepts clear hy tao koye problem nhi hogy inshallah..
✔For mds i revised clinical subjects extra- ( as mds consist of two papers, Paper A basic science, paper B clinical subjects) from oxford *handbook of clinical dentistry and bcqs from dentogest clinical and vijay pratab.. but mostly used my previous clinical knowledge from final yr bds..
✔For fcps and basic science i studied the following;
1..First of all i started with Drnajeeb lectures for physio and neuro it took almost one and half month completely but i won’t recommend it if u have less time. because its time consuming i tried soo hard just able to complete physio and neuro in one and half month. But its too helpfull and conceptual trust me i didn’t know human body is that much interesting and beautiful before watching Dr najeeb.
And book for physio Brs, and neuro kaplan. Sath sath me rabia ali. And revised physio and neuro from firstaid usmle.
2.. Than i studied Gray’s anotomy for headneck + thoracic anotomy, i think snell review would be enough, mery pas time bhot tha tao mai ny Gray’s parh ly.. also grays mai diagrams bhot achi hy 👌 i made my concepts mainly from diagrams and watching videos.
I Did upper limb from youtube videos.. (brachial pluxes)
3. patho from BrS first 8 chaps. Plus special cvs, blood, respiratory , renal, cns from first aid.. It should be on your finger tips plus Rabia ali bcqs.
4 .. For embryo = from high yield, i did all systems and head neck embryo plus rabia ali. And first.aid usmle k har chap k start me one page embryo. I did tooth development from nbde part 1 .
5… General histo from NBDE part 1 its more than enough plus rabia ali.
6. Bio chemistry from usmle ist aid and rabia ali mcqs.
7.. For pharma i did general from lippincott and just studied other selective topics but i focused on bcqs like from rabia ali and Also revised pharma from usmle first.Aid. try to memorize adverse effects of common drugs.
8.. Microbio i did from usmle first.aid.. Selective topics mostly discussed in bcqs…
NOW MOST IMP thing to remember theory is for to clear concepts and memorize imp tables and key points.. Specially in first. Aid usmle.
👉TO PASS u should study bcqs books thoroughly , in last month i just did only mcqs . books most important are;
✔Coffeedent mcqs.
👉most imp, you think you memorize it all but trust me there is alot of bcqs that slipped out of mind aor exam me ajate hey. So again and again revise it. Best formula is from the first day of your study solve one or two paper each day..
✔Second book for bcq #rabiaali which you study along theory but it need more revision..
✔3rd book is #Asim&shoib with errata its easy and short but should be on your finger tips
✔Fourth one #dentogist basic, which also cover your dental subjects or do it from coffeedent.. your choice
✔For dental material specifically i studied #vj.partab .. are more than enough plus rabia ali k last k bcqs..
✔In last days i did raffi ullah 453 points, (strongly recommended) and session 1, 12 and controversies in start of tanveer notes
The one and only coffideent.. subscribe it and do bcqs subject wise, do mock test repeat repeat and repeat it until you get 95 to 100% score.
👉I know there are alot of mistakes in books in coffedent as well but identifying those mistakes is the art. (Erratas are available in this group files )
✔✔STAY connect to group study imp , study each and every bcqs if someone share in group study .. Don’t waste your time by discussing one bcq in group it will waste your time. Just get right answer and run..
👉👉For every bcq you should have reason.. if you dont know the answer conform if from reviewing text book or google it or post it in group but dont follow keys blindly..
👉👉 manage your time and books .. be committed to your studies, stay focused and follow proper routine..
Sb se important hey PRAYERS trust me. Fcps is tough exam, it destroys you mentally. But if you remember ALLAH inshallah, Allah will bless you success.
👉 (Pray 5 times, zikar karo, sadqa du and good sleep!!)✔
May you get success stay blessed.. remember me in your prayers! 🙏
Regards: Dr. Amjad khan.
December 26, 2023

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